We are far too critical of our own appearance - especially tired mums of new babies, but your children will think you're perfect as you are and will treasure those family pics forever.
Sarah is a mum of two who began photography when her eldest was a baby as a way to document the milestones. Pretty soon she was taking her camera everywhere she went and, after capturing fantastic images for family and friends, was encouraged to do it professionally. Being made redundant gave her that final push to go for it and she is thrilled to say it’s the best thing she has done.
​She has been the photographer at many of the Social Mama events in and around Hertford, runs business shoots for local mumpreneurs and continues to take photos for local families.
Sarah 's thoughts on 6 Week Social:
"This course is unlike other pre-natal and post-natal courses around as the 6 Week Social offers advice when you really need it and friendships with other mums going through the same joys and struggles of parenthood during the same time. You can ask the experts those all important questions about feeding baby, how to get them to sleep through the night, how to speak to your boss about returning to work on your terms, and much, much more. If only this course had been around when mine were small!”
​Sarah will attend at least one 6 Week Social session to take candid photos of all the babies, which you will have the option to buy as digital downloads from a password protected online album. You will also each receive one complimentary group photo and one photo of you with your child from the final session to treasure and remember your special time as mummy to your newborn.
Sarah’s tip for you - Be in the photo!
​Go and make those important memories! Oh, and don't be too hard on yourself. You're doing a great job. Even those mums who always look fabulous and have the perfect baby who sleeps and feeds when they're supposed to have moments of self-doubt and panic - they're just better at hiding it!